Vandy Vape Superfine MTL Fused Clapton Wire

10,39 ₼


Superfine MTL Feded Clapton tel, vandy vape tərəfindən yüksək keyfiyyətli bir teldir. Ən çox bərpa edən atomizatorlarla yaxşı uyğundur. Tel, qısa bir istilik vaxtı ilə daha yüksək vattaya tab gətirə bilir. DIY azarkeşləri üçün ən yaxşı seçim.



Just received mtl fused a lot earlier than expected. The flavour is amazing and great product.


Perfect for my MTL builds, so easy to use. Excellent value.


The first wire I trying for MTL vaping. good value for that price

Lamar D.

One of the best Ni80 wires I've tried. Great for your DiY

Nicky F.

I prefer my coil wires to be made by VandyVape. Never had quality issues with them. Prices are also reasonable


Vandy Vape
Type (from option)
Ni80 30*2ga+38ga
SS316L 30ga*2+38ga
Ni80 32ga*2+38ga
Ni80 30ga+38ga
KA1 30ga+38ga
KA1 32ga*2+38ga
KA1 30ga*2+38ga
SS316L 32ga*2+38ga
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