Uwell Valyrian 2 Pro Replacement Glass Tube 8ml

5,62 ₼


Uwell brendi haqqında:

Uwell orta səviyyəli yüksək küçə siqareti brendidir. Biz bu markanın bulud, ləzzəti sevənlər və sadəcə bir doza nikotin və çox təmkinli vape istəyənlər arasında populyar olduğunu gördük. Bu, 2015-ci ildə əsası qoyulmuş Çindən kənar başqa bir vape brendidir. Onların əxlaqı texnologiyanı təqib etmək, ləzzəti diqqət mərkəzində saxlamaqdır.

Uwell Valyrian 2 Pro Əvəzedici Şüşə Boru:

Valyrian II Pro Şüşə Borunun böyük 8 ml e-şirə tutumu var, o, Uwell Valyrian II Pro Tankı üçün nəzərdə tutulub.

  • Brend: Uwell
  • Vahid: 1 Dəst
  • Uyğundur: Uwell Valyrian II Pro Tank
  • Material: Pyrex şüşəsi
  • Tutum: 8ml
  • Paket: Sadə Qablaşdırma


  • 1pc Valyrian II Əvəzedici Pro Şüşə Boru



hello dear Vawoo. today is the day that I would like to thank the team for the support they have always been offering me. I believe it is important that we all understand there are thousands of requests and many of them are more than just a word reply. but the guys are attentive to all of their customers, I know it for a fact. my friends also had issues and the maximum amount of time Vawoo staff wouldn't reply was 1.5 days. this is a very important aspect of a website's work.


One this - you are the best. all the stars are for you.


Great website with some of very unexpected offers. Maybe I do not know all the vape companies that are present here but those that I have tested so far seem cool. I would recommend this website to the vape community.


The rating is high to expect this product to be good. I hope all the feedback is real and people like the item. Getting it based on the reviews. We will have to see if I like it too.


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